
Showing posts from November, 2020

Final Edit of Table of Contents

This is my final practice table of contents filled with original pictures and words  

Final Edit of Practice magazine cover

This is the final practice magazine cover filled with my original pictures and words.

Original Photos

These are a few of the photos that I have taken, in the next blog post I will be photoshopping them.  

Preliminary Task: table of contents

  This is the table of contents that I will be starting off with. I am taking pictures next week and I plan to fill all of these spots with original pictures.

Preliminary Task: Second and final attempt at cover page

The cover page above is the original template from Canva and the second cover is my edited version of it. I will be taking some pictures next week to add to my cover for the preliminary task.  

First Attempt Cover Page

The first magazine is the original and the one below is all that I have edited to be. This is the first attempt and not the one that I continued to go with due to the very little space available on this particular template.

Beginning Preliminary Task

 Today I will be working on a model magazine for my Preliminary Task. The purpose of the preliminary task is familiarize myself with the process of creating a magazine while following the codes and conventions.  I will be taking the following steps for the creation of my model magazine for the preliminary task: 1. Take my own photos  2. Edit the photos 3. Chose Template and photos for my Cove Page 4. Choose Template and Photo for my table of content  5. Create a reflection for my Preliminary task   As I am not a very organized person this will not be the exact order in which I complete my preliminary task

This is the link to my survey

Analyzing the results

 I have just analyzed the results of my survey and it has helped so much. I now know my target market and what they would like to see from me. The title on my cover page will be vertically going up the side of my magazine. Someone also gave me a cool name for this magazine.

The results are in

Below are the results of the my survey: (This will be a chart like Kasharma's but I am trying to put them into a spreadsheet)

Targeting my market/ creating survey

 Today I am creating my survey and asking my classmates questions that will better help me make my magazine match my target market which is them. The google forms survey will consist of   asking people of their age, race and demographic so that I can be diverse and inclusive to all classmates.