First Thoughts on House Style


        House style is what keeps a magazine uniformed, and it is also and identifier. A great example would be VOGUE magazine, they always have the same font and size. Another identifier would be that the vogue is always in font of the featured person, like a stamp, it is never behind.

·            House styles may be developed through trial and error, or polling the community for the most liked design. Both of these ways are very effective. The editor can look at multiple designs and pick the best one, or the public can pick the one they like best. The second option seems better seeing how the public is the audience/consumer.

·          House styles may be influenced by their genre in how they display the title. For instance, if the magazine's focus is arts and crafts then that title could be made out of popsicle sticks or yarn. This will help the magazine draw in their readers because they are showcasing their creative ability in coming up with a new idea for every edition. This will also set apart this particular magazine from any other magazine.


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