Table of contents page: research

 The table of contents is just as important in the magazine as a the cover page. The cover page draws readers in while the contents page keeps them there. The contents page has the task of being diverse and but still on topic at the same time. It must also follow the same theme as the cover page for uniformity reasons. the cover page can be on a one page or a two-page spread depending on if there are ads placed in each magazine. 

Here are some common content conventions:

  • The title "Content" will be printed on the page in a large font, and is sometimes accompanied by the masthead title from the cover page.  
  •  The page number, magazine title, issue date,  web address and the editor's contact information will be found on the bottom of the page,  
  •  One main image will be included that indicates who or what the focus of the magazine is. Other smaller images which relates to the magazine's articles may also be included in the layout. 
  •  The title of the magazine's articles, also known as sub-headings will be organized into columns with its corresponding page number beside of it. 
  •  The subheadings appear on the content page in the same order that it appears in the magazine, so that information is easy to locate. 
  • The color scheme is simple but coordinates with the color scheme of the entire magazine 
  • Sublines is a synthesis of the details in each article to give the readers a description of what each article contains. They are typically located beneath the subheading and beside the page number in a smaller font.



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