What is Media Studies

 As explained previously the magazine I'm creating is for my AICE Media Studies class. Today I'm going to go over what Media Studies is and what are its main concepts.

Media Studies is all the forms of mass media that we engage with everyday, for example movies, tv shows, video games and social media (i.e. Instagram).

There are four main concepts to Media Studies:

Media Language




Media Language refers to all of the different ways that media texts can create meaning. For example the different Camera Angles used or the costumes, which are used to crate meaning for the audience.  This are called codes and they have a specific denotations and suggested connotations.

Representations relates to how the media represents reality in their products. Basically is has to do which the different ways in which Media portrays a specific event or news. For example social media, the photos, captions and profile you have on a specific social media page represents who we are.

Audience refers to who watches the media and why. One of the most important things when you're creating media texts is the audience to which you are trying to reach because you are designing it to appeal to the audience. 

Institution refers to who makes the media, for example news channels. Factors such as funding and ideology has a huge impact on what they choose to make and how they represent the world. This concept also decides how the media is marketed and where and how it is distributed. 


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