Interview questions for feature story

 Please state your name and age for the record. 


  1. Are you familiar with the term army brat? If so what does it mean and how does it make you feel?

  2. Where were you born?

  3. How old were you when you first moved? 

  4. How many places have you lived in?  (please name them)

  5. Were you afraid to move to new places? Has that feeling ever changed?

  6. Has there been a place that you wished you would've stayed longer in?

  7. Were you ever mad that you had to move away?

  8. Did you get used to moving away?

  9. Do you feel like moving away has prepared you for life somehow?

  10. How was it always being the “new kid” at school?

  11. Do you make friends easily or do you usually stay to yourself? 

  12. Have you ever been afraid to get too attached to one place? 

  13. Where do you currently reside?

  14. Would you ever plan on moving back to a particular state or country?

  15. How have you been affected by moving multiple times? (the good, bad, all of it)


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