Evaluation 2


This is my evaluation to question 2.

 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

So for the first part of how does it engage with audiences I’ve had I conducted a survey earlier in the

year, in the school year to see what my peers would like to see on a magazine as far as topic, masthead,

content, colors, and things like that.  So my product is ventured towards not ventured,  sorry it’s targeted

towards teens because of the survey they did specifically for teens. My, my product is for anyone but I

specifically did this edition on a teenager so people could see the lifestyle of the teenagers around them,

of different teenagers in the world. Somebody that's different from their own and gets a perspective in somebody’s life. And it  engages with my audience because when I did the survey I asked if they, if my title should be on the top or should be going down the side, going down the side in vertical order and they all agreed that it should and that’s what I actually put on my magazine and it came out really nice and I asked if the color scheme should be one color scheme or should the title of the, title of the to the, should the title of the magazine change depending on the main cover and it actually looks better as opposed if I would put red as a main color for any magazine I use but it looks good on the side with the color that contrast with the main photo. And how do you distribute it as real media text? It can be distributed as real media text because it's an article on somebody, and it follows the quote explanation, quote explanation format.


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