Evaluation 1


This is my evaluation to question 1.

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

 Personally for my project, my product I create a magazine a travel magazine, but this edition was based on an army brat so you say an “army brat” but basically it’s based on child who is a military kid who is born into a military family and she has been traveling since she was five months old. It represents social groups, the social groups of military kids because it got that  deep dive into her life, and what it was like for her, and it took away the stigma of military kids. Some kids most like the when the stories you hear for asking people for actual questions is that they hate moving, they moved to like 100 places in a year they never get to settle down they ever they don’t have they don’t feel like they have a home but personally my, my subject Jada Lewis, who I did my feature story on,  she loved each and every place because she feels like it taught her something, and she felt like home is where the heart is and she knew what she was never mad that she had to move because she understood why. She’s been and she’s been doing it for so long that she actually misses it feels weird to her for her to actually live here, so that’s how it challenges social groups. Thank you, have a nice day!


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